Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Epic Fail!!!

So, registration for classes begins tonight at midnight. And me, being punctual with such things of great importance, decided to turn in the classes I wanted just as the sheets to suggest the classes you wanted came out. I turned it in, and it was fine for a long time. Today, I went by my advisor's office to check if everything was set.

Glad I did.

My registration paper was in her outbox, and it said 'I cannot sign off on this. You need to see me.'

Splendid... You know what else?
She doesn't have any more office hours. The only ones she had today were at a time when I had class. What a wonderful day. I need to catch her between classes... I have a class at 1:40, she teaches a class at 1:40, but the class before that ends at 1:30... I have ten minutes to figure out what's wrong with my schedule, write out a new form, get her to sign off on it and then get to class...

I'll tell you how it goes... If I don't post, I'll be depressed and out of college... because I'dve died... DIED I TELL YOU!

(-_-);; Jereality

-Ignore my melodramatics... I won't be dead.... I'll just be very unhappy with classes I don't want and credits that I'll need to make up.... ...... -sigh-......

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