Saturday, April 19, 2008

Least Favorite Part Of My Day

Alrighty, I've had the same thought every day for the past, oh, I dunno, last month and a half. Every time I step in front of the sink, toothbrush in hand, myself looking at my reflection's eyes in the mirror...I realize that the worst part of my day is brushing my teeth. Yes, not waking up for education [ which I also have news about ], not doing the litter on Thursdays...or cleaning my room or laundry....No, brushing my teeth is probably the most annoying thing I do every day.

Nothing gets accomplished, really...except my teeth get clean. I stand, look uninterested in the mirror and I brush each tooth. I count when I brush my teeth...I count like I do in Concert Band class...1,2,3,4. 2,2,3,4. 3,2,3,4. 4,2,3,4. all the way up to 7,2,3,4. I don't know why I do, I just do. And when I'm rushed, I count to 4,2,3,4... It just make sense to me that way. Still, I hate to brush my teeth. Hate it. I get all fidgety and annoyed. I've even taken to brushing them before I get a shower so I won't have to get all angry after I get all calm. -insert exasperated sigh here-

Oh hygeine is importan, I suppose....
I don't think I'd want to be a for real version of this thing...Oh well...Onto other news, I suppose....

Alright, do you recall when I said I had news of my Education? It was in brackets...I said I had news about it...Well, I do.

I made Principal's Honor Roll for the first time in my Academic Education Station career. [Mind you, pre-k through 6th grade does not count...Those were grades that were easily attained. I'm talking 7th through the present.]

That's it though, I'm going to celebrate when Mother comes home from her mini-vacation. I miss her...She won't be back till late Sunday, and she left on Thursday... I miss my Mommy....-insert another sigh here-

Well, that's about it..Oh wait! I lied!

I saw Kelly Ripa's father today. Yeah, I went with GGR and Sibling to a magical place called, well - I can't tell you...but I was there. Alright, I'll tell you. We went to my county's 'County College' where there were these three large shredding vehicles. No, not like skateboard 'shredding', more like paper shredding. Our crappy little paper shredder has mild heart attacks whenever we plug it in and start shredding bills and such. So, what we found out - my household - via GGR, was that there was a bunch of people who shred such artifacts of bills of the past for free! No scam, can actually see your bills/important documents being shredded in a camera which is strategically located inside the shredding vehicle. It was very interesting. So, our documents were shredded, and combined with a bunch of other people's shredded documents in the back of this giant truck. It was a good time...

And now I'll leave you to ponder what you're going to do with your bills...and such...

Have A Good One,

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Well, I told an Instructor about this here blog...and she said she commented...So, naturally, we were both excited to see my reaction to her comments...Unfortunately...they aren't here. Which is very sad, becasue I happen to love comments. I'll have to tell her about this on Monday...Wait...she won't be at my Education Station on, I will have to wait until Tuesday.

I have news for you all, though!

I have been directed to a new blog called Brain Productions, and it is very, very funny. The first entry I read in Diatribes - as that is the 'blog' part of the site was called 'The Santa Run'. Funny stuff, you will find in that site. Go check it out, I dare you!

In order to get to the Diatribes section of the site, you need to click on that specific section on the flashing brain - or, if you don't want to wait that long and you know the sections of the brain, click on the Temporal Lobe.

If you want to be adventurous and click the other parts of the brain, well, I can give you a bit of a Directory...

The Parietal Lobe is 'Picture of the Week'
The Frontal Lobe is the 'Message Board' ...something that I don't have... -shrug-
You already know what the Temporal Lobe takes you to....
The Cerebellum will lead you to 'Cool Links'...mine are just placed on the left hand side of the words you're rading now..
The lower half of the Occipital Lobe takes you to 'Movie Reviews'...
And the upper half of the Occipital Lobe takes you to 'Short Flicks'...which are just short videos...

And that's about it...You all should go and check that bad boy it...

Oh, and my new favorite song is 'Psycho' from Puddle of Mudd...Frerakin' awesome...yep...

Alrighties, I'll talk atcha'll later!

Don't believe everything that you breathe, [-Beck-]

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mathmaticious Expeditious

If you like Fergie's Fergalicious and Weird Al, well, you might like this kid: Drew D'Amelia.

This is one of the most creative videos I've seen, and it is very well coreographed and written. Props to you, Drew D'Amelia, props to you.

And for all of you 'link me!' me people, well [ that's no a bad thing, I'm one of you, too ], here is the link through youtube of Dear Drew D'Amelia.

Mathmaticious Expeditious

Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x...

Math Is Radical!


Sunday, April 06, 2008


Just two of 'em...

Wyoming & Me [on friendship]
Wyoming: I'm just a small pea in your circle of big veggie friends.
Me: lol!

[Side Note* : I actually did 'laugh out loud...for the record...]

And The Next One..Brought To You By Onyx
[on the fact it'ss 11:38PM]
Me: i'm gonna be so miserable tomorrow
Onyx: i'll lick you
don't do that.
Onyx: ...should i get daytona to do it?
Me: ...
Onyx: i'll be he would
Me: germs

[Side Note* : Onyx calls Dayton, my boyfriend, Daytona...yeah, I know..she's strange...]

And that's it..those're my quotes...

Nighty night, readers!


Friday, April 04, 2008

One Degree

You may think that's an odd title for a post, but in fact, those are how many degrees I am from Kevin Bacon. Yep, no lie. I saw him and his brother and his band perform tonight, and to tell you the truth, I love him even more now. Well, it started with me, Father, Sibling and Dayton [my boyfriend;; ^_6] in the top balcony level and we were all seperated because of our tickets. Regardless, we all grouped together on the edge of the balcony where my seat was and waited until the Bacon Brothers and their band came to the stage. When Kevin started to talk he said "and if any of the people in the balcony levels want to move down, make the place seem more filled - you're more than welcome." And as if he had given us $100 dollars cash each, the people in the balcony flooded to the doors.

We, however, were first and got the most primo - free - seats. They weren't free for the people who had to pay $150 for them, but for us - since we were supposed to be in the balcony, we paid nothing. We were invited by Kevin Bacon himself to sit closer. Amazing? I know, and that's just the start. Well, after we got primo seating - we were like...a max of 15 feet away from him - I was told by dear Father to move up to the second row, as a couple of those seats were empty, to get better pictures. So, I took off to the second row[ five feet away from Kevin Bacon!] and got amazing pictures of Kevin Bacon, his brother and his band singing and playing along to amazing songs. AMAZING! So, after I got awesome pictures I moved back to the primo seats with my family and Dayton.

So, all the while Kevin Bacon and his band can see everyone in the crowd, that's just how the lighting and all is set up and the stage and such. So he could see me take pictures in the second row and move back with my posse. Eventually, a song about the woman begins and it's all boppy and I'm dancing in my seat and he's there singing "that girl's an eleven, what's in her iPod to make her hips have that sway" and he's pointing right at me! Eye contact and everything. Mind you, I've already looked around me...the seats were empty. The only girl in his direction was me. It was fantastic! Agh! I'm so excited right now! AH, good times. Good times.

QUote of the Day
Kevin Bacon: I learned that from Bill Nye the Science Guy
Michael Bacon: Now you're just dropping names...
Kevin Bacon: You know, James taylor told me it was wrong to drop names.
-crowd laughter-
Kevin Bacon: No he didn't...It was Marlon Brando.
-harder crowd laughter-
Kevin Bacon: - guilty look - No he didn't...

At that point, I was in the second wrong...can I tell you he had the cutest face when he was like "no he didn't" both times. It was awesome...So awesome.

And now I have a headache..I dunno why, i just do....Great evening for the Jereality...Great!

Have A good One,

Thursday, April 03, 2008


Remember in every one of your school days, everyone said "don't worry, once you're a Senior - everything gets easier." Does anyone recall that? I'm going to burst bubbles here....It's a lie! Life most certainly does not get easier! If anything, it gets harder and more stressful. Once you get acceptd into college (if you get accepted into college) you have to worry about financial aid, and ways to pay for college, whether you're going to commute or live to keep a steady income when in college - because I can almost guarantee that Mommy and Daddy are busy with the bills from paying tuition to give you cash to see a movie.

Though, when you're still in your senior year of high school you'll be worried about the term papers that are due, the assignments that will prepare you for your freshmen year of college. Which, by the way, is kind of helpful in the sense that you're given deadlines in which to accomplish things and if it's not accomplished, you won't be'll just get your well-deserved F and be on your not-so-merry way.

If you're not a senior yet, and still a freshmen or sophmore in high school and you've come along to my blog while scouring the internet for answers to math, science, english and hisotry homework, well, I've got some advice for you.


Studying, no matter how lame, will boost your GPA thus giving you a greater chance to go to a great college. Also, if your school has openings for a student body government - join! Student Council is a great thing to add to a college resume. Any sort of extra curicular activity...join...Those are just a few tips from me to you. Take heed, my darlings, your future only happens once and your education should not be taken into light account.

Live. Laugh. And be Merry,