Sunday, December 30, 2007

So Close...

At the current moment, I'm watching Dane Cook: Visious Circle and it's pretty funny. Talking about dead people now, and now it's something totally different because I stopped to watch instead of type to you guys.

I realize that I have been very bored for the past several days - after Christmas, whitch I will tell you about - and I figured out that all I really wanted to do was blog. That's why I was feeling kind of bored and lonely, I wanted to blog. I needed to type something, so that was it. I'm here now, typing.

Alrighty, every year on christmas day, Sibling and I sit on the top of the stairs and Mother takes a picture and then we go and open gifties and things. It's good times, really, it is. So, we took our picture and then we went downstairs and opened our gifts.
I got a whole bunch of things, and they are fantastic. I got the Dane Cook DVDs that I'm watching right now, a hat from sibling with '^_6' on it - she got it custom made, good times. A bunch of shirts and a pair of jeans and a nifty robe which has come in very handy over the past three days - which I will later describe. I also got Cinderella, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1, 2, and 3, Fern Gully, Transformers, magnets from Father, some crazy pen from GGR, and a pair of fantastic BOSE headphones from Father...I love them. They're so loud - amazing. And a whole buncha other things. Ah, good times.
And then we did the bonding with the family, and it was good times. I loved the good times. Sibling got a camera she loves, Father got a new bed which he loves, and Mother got everything she wanted - which, in case you haven't been already told, never happens. I love when they get happy - my family, I like it.

December 26th, I rest. I play with my Christmas gift. I watch TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and bonded with Father, it was good times.

December 27th, 12:15pm - Dentist's Office
I got my Wisdom Teeth removed.
Number one thing I want to tell you - dentist helper man, 'Nick', he was lovely to look at. Anyway, I was on the movey chair thing and it was time for me to be placed under local anestetics - not 'put under', that's just silly. So, he rams the needle in my gums and that hurts a bit, but I'm fine. Dentist Man (DM for short) says "Do you feel pain?" I look at him, a sarcastic shift in my brows as he withdraws the two and a half inch needle from my gum and I say "" He says good and we get on our merry way.
First Tooth - top right, out without my knowledge. He pulled it out and said "Three Wisdom teeth to go." I blinked, "really?" "yeah." Blinks, Shifty Eyes. "Can-I-See-It?" He shows me the tooth. It's red. B-E-A-Utiful. One piece.
Second Tooth - top left, a little bit of pokin' on my gum but I didn't really feel anything. "Two wisdom teeth to go." Fantastic. I didn't even need to ask to see that one and he showed me. One piece. Lovely.
Third Tooth - lower left. Lots of poking on my gum. And then the drill. He jammed that sucker in around and through my tooth, that hurt so badly! So, naturally, my eyes tear up. No biggie - however, with the application of gravity and my vertical lay down position, said 'tear-up' became a tear fall. Just one. DM looks at me and says, "don't you feel pain?" I say nothing, and then I do that 'no' grunt, as he still has a mirror and a gummy thing between the opposite set of jaws - not comfy, by the way.
So, DM continues and drills and scrapes at my tooth until finally it comes out in four chunks of enamel. Lovely.
Fourth and Final Tooth - lower right. Oh. My. God. Remember, remember when I had that little tear-jerker thing up there, up in those words you just read? Recall? Well, this tooth got six of those teras. SIX! OUCH! Dear ol' DM asked if I was in pain five times. First time I said 'uh uh, no' second, third, fourth and fifth I said yes. Oh, goodness gracious. He used that needle I talked about before first tooth four times. And still, after all that numbing crap, I still felt pain.
I wanted so badly to just grab the little twisty screwdriver type tool he was useing to break apart my last wisdom tooth, and just break it off myself.
It was frustrating, really, and the woman who was so lovingly shoving the mirror down my throat was a big help, too. She choked me three times, for the record. Ah, it was a painful day. eventually, DM ended up scraping out my tooth in many pieces, chunks and otherwise bloody hunks of enamel.
Not pretty to see, mind you. And I did. I did see it. Because I was awake. I justl ike to state that. I don't know why...maybe because everyone else I know was 'put under' for their lovely tooth extractions. Whatever...

December 28th,
I woke up at 4 pm. Good stuff.
I woke up at noon-ish...I did some other things...really, I did nothing.
Today, woke up at ten-ish...
I watched TV.

The past three days, I've worn PJ pants, a cami and my fantabulous robe. Good stuff.

Face Swollen. Medicated. Nauseous. Tired.

I'm gonna go to bed now...ugh, I feel horrible.

Nighty night.

Friday, December 21, 2007

I Meant To...Dreams..And A Newsflash

Hey guys, sorry about the wait - I meant to post, I've just been either preoccupado, or I've forgotten. That means I've neglected you, meaning I'm a terrible Blog Mother, and I apologize for that. However, this time it wasn't for several months, merely a few weeks....or days, I'm not really sure, I haven't counted yet....Yet.

There were several humerous and slightly amusing things I've wanted to tell you and a few other things, all of which I've forgotten. So, I'll start off with a dream and then a breif retelling and realization of my day. Gather 'round the internet fire, grab your cyber hot chocolate and grab a blanket - this might be a doozy.

The Dream:

Okay, so I've been having these strange dreams lately...On Wednesday night I had a dream in which my Grandmother died - but it wasn't really my Grandmother, it was a fictional woman who my brain made up and configured to fit the role of grandmother in my 'dream life'. So, my G-Mom died, and I was very sad, and a friend of mine ( one who recently took me to Winter Ball - I'll call him...Hamlet ) was consoling me when a group of kids went and walked all over her grave. Well, naturally, I said I would kick them all in the throat if they didn't stop. They didn't stop. So, I climbed over the wooden fence I was behind and my AP Biology teacher comes up out of no where and says "Jereality, don't do anything you'll regret later. Remember, I'll have to report you..." So, Hamlet takes my hand and the dream me feels much better, and we go for a walk and I get all calm and stuff. He takes me to some barn loft somewhere and we watched the sun rise together. It was nice, I woke up feeling really good about the day.

Then I had another odd one last night, Thursday night....
It started out with me in a Ninja academy, where I made a whole bunch of Ninja friends yet learned nothing of defending myself. For some strange reason, I had to leave the training school and go home to live with my Grandmother (the one I've actually got, looked just like her) and all of my Ninja friends promised to protect me.
So, I go live with my G-Mom where I find out that my cousin and Pop-pop on my Mother's side are living with my Grandmother.(Note* Mind you, the Grandmother I'm talking about is GGR, the one that literally lives 1/4 of a mile away from me and is on my Father's side. ) So, Pop-pop and my cousin, I'm going to call him Horatio, have a long conversation with me about how GGR is going away for a little bit, and that I can still live in the house if I do the dishes. I agree, since I almost always do the dishes and I am so used to it.
I live like that for a couple months, until finally Pop-pop and Horatio get a letter that I can't read because it's in 'scribble text'. I get all confused, night falls outside and all of a sudden Pop-pop and Horatio have glazed looks in their eyes. My eyes get wide, I get scared and run through the house trying to escape my 60-something year old Grandfather, and my 19-or-so year old cousin - both chasing me with daggers.
I somehow end up locking myself in one of the bedrooms (the one that happens to be right above the kitchen, where a bay window has just been installed) and try to formulate a plan. Horatio and Pop-pop grow silent as they try to figure out how to kill me, finally deciding getting a larger arsenal being the best idea. While they are doing that, I am opening the window and deciding how much pain I'd be in if I just jumped out.
All of a sudden, I remember that I was in a Ninja school, so, I grab the ledge of the window and flip out of it. So now, I'm dangling out of a second-story window, my feet just visible from the top of the bay window Horatio is staring out of. I hear him shout, so I drop from the window, and run to the fence that surrounds GGR's house. I leap the fence just as Pop-pop and Horatio come out of the housee (which is not encircled by fence) and chase me.
Then, I see my Ninja Trainer, standing all calm in the middle of the street. No cars are coming, it's late at nothing is happening outside for him to be there, yet, there he is. He says to me, very calmly, 'what did you learn?' I turn to face him just as Pop-pop crumples to the ground, a dart in his arm. I can't think of what I've learned, so I continue to run away from Horatio. He throws his dagger at my spine - right between my shoulder blades - but it doesn't pierce the skin, it just kind of pokes my back. And then I remember, my Ninja friends promised to protect me. So, I say it 'that a ninja always keeps their promise.' I turn around and look up to a set of telephone wires and see the form of a Ninja, squating on the wires, a dart gun glinting in his hands.
Then I woke up all pissed off because my trainer was about to say something when my alarm went off.
But it was crazy, my cousin and granfather about to kill me - I was terrified...
I hope I have another 'strange' dream....I really enjoy how vivid they are.

And now, onto my realization - I don't tell my parental units when Sibling does something wrong because Sibling has a very low self esteem. She can't build up her character enough to gain self-esteem because she doesn't get in trouble for things. When she does get in trouble, she gets depressed. I don't 'tattle' on her because I don't want her depressed. If I don't tattle on her, she stays happy and also loses a chance to become a more well-rounded individual. She lies because she thinks she can get away with it. She can't when I'm around. Then she gets into trouble. She gets into trouble, blames me, gets depressed. I get depressed because I feel guilty, and then no one wins. Except I'll get over it, I'm already well-rounded. I don't lie every time I open my mouth. I tell my parental units almost everything that it related to my education, whether it be 'oh, i've just received a lateness' or 'i've got a D in History' or 'I just passed a math test with an 11/10.'


And I watch my life like its a Television show...Except I can't change the channel, and it's all a rerun. Same episode, different day. Waste of my time. I listen to the same arguements ove rdifferent things, all ending up with she argued with me because she thinks she's always right. She's not always right, she's just irrational. And yes, it pisses you off, I know that. Did you ever stop to think, though, that it pisses me off, that it gets me slightly irritated that whenever you two argue I'm always there and can't get away?
You always find a way to argue in situations where I can't leave. The mall. The car ride home. The car ride away. I can't run from that. I want to. I could probably end the conversations if you two would just let me argue for you. I'll help you out.

You think you're right. And you think you're right. You're both wrong. End of story. Both have valid points, both and having the same argument. Everyone loses.

Especially me. I lose twice, whenever you argue. Six more months.

That's horrible to say - but that is how I feel right now.

Thanks for listening, readers...I didn't mean for all of that monologue/dialogue/trialogue to be just sort of happened.

^_6;;Happy Hoildays,

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Nothin' Much...

ALright guys, I've had this one quote I've been wanting to use so very badly ever since I thought of it.

I'm a writer and a role player - so I make up these people and write out their lives. It's tons of fun and takes away my boredom. Anyway, I've got this one story called 'Escape' and the two main characters Coh and John are going to get kidnapped... well, Coh is from a tribe of nomad people who live in the desert called 'Cascuns'. It jus so happened they are going to 'napped' by the Cascun's rival, the Duntaks. The main Duntak's name is Jak...and at some point in the story, John is going to be complaining to Coh about how he is 'dying of thirst' and Jak will corner John and just say 'don't tease me' all serious like. I'm so excited to write that, 'cause it'd be the second time John would have been cut off, speechless.

I'm so excited...when I finish it, and get it published, I'll send everyone who keeps in contact the nearest bookstore address so you can go and buy it...Yep, it'll be fantastic...


-So, Good bye Courage...what's the harm
If I was slightly...naughty
With love, (Courage the Cowardly Dog - Freaky Fred)
-Jereality;; ^_6

Monday, December 03, 2007


I'm almost positive I had a post enitled Shazam before...It's just so easy to use....It's like, oh it must be interesting, it's such an interesting, eventful word.. SHAZAM!

Anyway, I just want to let you all know that it is aweful windy outside...So much to the point that I feel as though I may be swooped out of my room and transported to the O.Z. Do you all know what that means to me? Well, it is a Mini Series on the Sci-Fi network called Tin-Man. It's pretty awesome. I won't tell you about it because I want you all to watch it.

Now, I'm watching Heroes - fyi, it's intense. I thought it was so stupid in the beginning, which is why I didn't watch the entire first season. I accidently watched the first episode of the second season and wham! I was hooked...Of course, it took me a couple mintues and weeks to remember who was who...but I got it, and am in love with Peter, Adam and Suresh. I don't really know who they are...but they are lovely to stare at.

I had something else to say to you all, but I don't recall...



Sunday, December 02, 2007


It seems to me that November was a bit of a barren month. I didn't mean to not post on purpose. Everytime I wanted to, I forgot what I had been doing or got distracted or something. I don't even remember - which is not good if I am going to tell you what I've been up to.

Nothing 'big' has really happened - I got a new fish, his name is Keiran. He's a crowned Betta fish, and he is so cool looking! Of course, his tank is a little nasty, but hey, it'll get cleaned. Um, what has happened otherwise...I don't really know...

I've been playing a particular card game for the past week and a half like it was going out of style...and I desperately want to hold a tournament for said game. Perhaps I'll teach you all how to play one of these days...Perhaps.

I went to Maryland this cousin got married, it was a lovely wedding, very small. I took some nice pictures which, due to paranoia, I will not post. However, I've got some nice pictures of things other than the wedding for you to view when I upload them. LIke, I have this one of the sun and some trees that blurred so looks like the trees are on fire -it's amazing.

Well, I'm just letting you all know that I'm still alive, and regretting let you all go unposted for an entire month...very upsetting that is to me...Yep...

Oh, in case you've noticed the change in layout - I was told the one I had before was painful...ya'll should've told me earlier...I would've picked a new one sooner. Regardless, I like this one infinitely better than that red and grey one...good stuff...So, I'll talk at you all later...I've got a brownie that needs eating.

^_6;; Jereality