Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Situation of the Week

Alright, Father and I are driving home, can you picture it? We turn into the little circle, round some stupid cars, and become stuck behind some person who is obviously visiting another relative behind our sect of homes.
"How do you know it's a visitor, Jereality?" you may ask...well.....
As we turn to where the spots are, the person in front of us turns on a blinker.......Yep, a blinker. Father and I stare at the act of stupidity, and laugh as the woman pulls into the spot, and parks.

Father: "That's good, you're gonna want to make a right at big red truck, and come to a stop at the concrete poll."
Me: "If you hear a slight scraping, and the sound of your engine combusting, you've gone too far."

Thursday, March 23, 2006


These last couple of days have been rather uneventful, I think. Perhaps too much stress is put onto work that needs to be done, work I haven't yet done, or work that hasn't yet to come. It's all rather stressfull...

My arms have been hurting as of late...I don't know the actual reason why, but I think it's because of the 1/2 hour of Gym/Arobics I do Monday-Wednesday, and Friday......Really stressing out my body, actually...I think I need a break.....but, no breaks for me, because I have a band thing Saturday at an ungodly hour for a weekend, a party I'm looking forward to...an after party which may lead to me sleeping over Onyx's house through till Sunday.....and then a restart on scheduled life on Monday.....

Quote Of The Day:
Onyx: Perhaps I could help if I saw the Emperical table of Periodicles....
-laughs- What did I call it?!
Me: -writes it down-
Both: -laugh-

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Movie Reviews

Over this weekend Mother, Sibling, and I have rented a few movies: The Island, A History of Violence, and one more.....what was it called? Oh yeah, Hide and Seek.

The Island:
I was impressed by what I saw. I was thinking originally, oh look, a boy meets girl, gets into danger, clones....a crappy island. Lovely. I was wrong...The movie was very good, very well played...although....Scarlett Johansen doesn't sound like a woman when she screams....tat's the only thing that bothered me.

A History of Violence:
It said 'Number One Movie Of The Year' on the box.....apparantly it was the only movie out that year. It ends with no talking..they're just sitting at a dinner table. No significance, nothing.....Viggo Mortenson must be thanking God for Lord of the Rings, and Hidalgo.

Hide and Seek:
Once again, this movie was awesome. I think I reviewed it before, I don't remember..regardless, it's an awesome suspensful movie...you all should watch it....

And That is all for my little movie review...enjoy your theater!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Nail Polish Fumes To My Head

Alrighty...It's been a couple of days..Unneventful, kind of funny, and angering days. One girl at school, thinks she knows things about my family, and wonders why I don't think highly of her.......That was the angering part...the funny was....is going to be your quote for the day! Lucky you all!
Went to a college fair the other day...it was really crowded. I was standing there, thinking to myself Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to steal your air! It was that crowded. It was insane...But, I got alot of information off of it...Really helpful stuff, those books....

Quote Of The Day:
(Brought to you by Father, myself, and Walmart)
Both:-walk into Walmart
Father:-turns to me, and whispers-
We Have Just Raised The IQ In This Place By 30% By Just Walking Through The Doors.
Me: -laughter-
Father: -Joins In-

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Oh Look! A Penny!

Actually, it was a quarter, but that's irrelevent, the phrase makes for a good title, and it makes me smile....and frankly, that's all that matters right now.
Today, I went to the mall, got nothing accomplished there except a headache from small urchins who continued to scream at two birds to come 'fly at' them. And lunch....I accomplished the task of eating my lunch at the mall.
After the mall excursion, we(Mother, OnyxLunacy, and I) went to Barnes&Nobles...for reading! I love to read, to just sit there, and travel into someone else's reality or dream. It's pretty cool, to just take a quick glimpse into their minds by what they write. Albeit, I'm reading fiction....Regardless, Darren Shan's mind works smoothly. Each series I'm reading Cirque du Freak, and the newer one, Demonata, seem to be written to the fact their almost believable. Although, vampires, and werewolves aren't real.....unless you look a different direction...the direction I follow.
Anyway, after I finished the first book in the series it was time to leave. So, I ordered myself a Vanilla Bean Frappelatte thing..turned out to be pretty tasty. Regardless of the fact the making of my drink seemed to be a 'oh, wait..I suppose I should still be doing this' act. The woman who was making my drink was 'learning' how to make them...and was on the phone at the same time. She looked as if she could be classified as a 'skater', but I really didn't pay attention....Like Onyx said in her newer blog, she could be a character from a story.
We left the store, and dropped Onyx back home...where she had to leave again....and then Mother and I drove home, listening to music loudly, and talking about a cursed paper I have to write. And now, I'm sitting at my computer, staring at the moon through my spider web interiored window....so much for those screens, eh?
And I think I'll leave you with that.....Yes, I will.
Ta....for now

Quote Of The Day:
Father: I want a cheese steak from Fresh works, and large fries.
Mother: You want a Fresh steak, and fries?
Father: Yeah A Fresh steak, and fries....

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Just One'a Those Days

Did any of you ever have a day where you just wanted to sit there. Not sleep, but not be awake either? To feel neither anger, nor happiness. I feel that way right now...kind of indifferent to the world around me. I feel....different..not even satisfied, I don't know what I feel. I've given up.

It takes A Big Man To Cry....
It Takes A Bigger Man To Ask 'Why?'

Monday, March 06, 2006


Do I Scare You?
I Do Wonder...
Did I Wake You From Your Slumber?
You're Seep Sleep,
Filled With Dreams And Serenity.
Wandering Through Your Thoughts,
Keeping To Myself,
Infecting Others.
It's Me
My Life
My Soul
Sucking The joy,
The Spirit Of Those Dreams.
But, Do Not Fear
For I Will Soon Disapear
swept Away Like A Fallen Glass
For I am Broken,
And Empty

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Joe Hood

Saw 2 and an ice cream: $8.68
Gas to get to Wawa from Blockbuster: $.98
Driving from Blockbuster to wawa to get your daughter ice cream because it wasn't in Blockbuster: Priceless
Life has many prices, but for wonderful, caring fathers....everyone but me is screwed.

Yeah, we rented Saw 2 tonight. It was awesome. Massive twist, like the first one. But, don't fret, that's all I'm going to say about the movie. On the way back from Wawa, we turned onto Nickle's Son, and watched this guy turn onto the street we were on. It's dark, the guy is in a piece of crap car, and he's got his hood on....three inches from his face. Father is staring, laughing the whole time, the guy's just watching him as he drives by. "Dad, did you see that guy?" I said....he's like "Yeah, it's a look." So we turned onto the Son, and dad lets go of the wheel, lifting his Jacket up over his head; like a hood. Sibling and I crack up after momentary 'holy-crap-we're-gonna-crash' panic, to watch dad gets stares from people in passing cars. "Yeah, that's right, I'm Joe Hood!"
So, we drive until we get to a Letter Road, and turn into it. Well, we're here, and stares are still going to father. So, I'm sitting in the seat next to him, my brown hat tilted to the side...and Dad's like.."why is it always Joe? Joe Cool, Joe Dirt, Joe Mama..." "Joe Hood!" I say.so, we laugh and see a group of 'hoodlums' crowded around a car. They instantly look up, and Father makes signs with his hands, ending up with a karate move. "That's right, be afraid. Fear Joe Hood!"
ANd that was the end of that.......He took down his hood as he drove home....
We were sitting on the couch, and mother comes down and goes into the kitchen to get her iced creameries. "Hey, hun, if the kids say anything about a hood, they're lying." "Joe Hood!" I say grinning, "see, stupid kids," he says...we all laugh and enjoy Saw 2......
Ta da!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Whatcha Gonna Do With All That Junk?

MW: Whatcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk?

Me:I'ma get get get get my trunk
Get my big trunk to the dump
The dump the dump the dump the dump the dump
The dump the dump the dump the lovely little dump
And recycle it

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Tuesday-Today ^.^

On Tuesday, I was in the car...waiting to go to father's graduation. I had to move into the back seat of the van because not only was Mother driving sibling and I there, she was also driving our uncle, grandmother, and great aunt. A thing you should know about the two women, they are exactly the same, and exactly different. One will gripe on and on about how nothing is hot when there is clearly steam, the other will gripe about taxes. Each of them takes the other ofr a nitwit, and don't really like to spend time with each other. Well, we sat them in a car, and I listened to them talk about money collectors. For example, the Red Cross, and Blue Shiled, and the other really important one. My great Aunt talks about how a city is celebrating mardi gras all out, when there are people on the streets, sleeping in boxes. She turns around and goes, "I'm only giving money to the collectors in Maryland when I know that the money stays in Maryland." I stared at the back of her head for a few moments in disbelief. Finally shaking my head, and going back to punching Sibling in the arm.
After the graduation where Father was appointed Valedictorian, I received his square hat. That brings my quota up to four abserd hats. Perhaps I shall do a post about hats another time....

Wednesday came along after the Tuesday, and I had to half-ass my way through 75 note cards. I started with 14...and ended up with 61. That's all I could find on my topic, and all that applied to my thesis statement. Took me four hours to get all of those cards done, and all of my 10 sources read through. After that, I went to dinner with Grandmother, Father, Sibling, and Mother. A weekly event.

Today....today I believe was not all that eventful. I ran around the prison, deciding how much I truely hate the place. I felt like crap the entire day, a sick feeling in my stomach, and a constant headache. Apparantly there is a test on the Chemistry...I think I'll do fine on it.....

I think that's it....I've been 'out of it' a little more, I think. Kind of distant, quiet maybe. I don't know. I've got alot to think about.

Quote of The Day:
(Brought to you by 'where's you logic')
Her:I don't get it! What is it with these 7th graders who think they're going to melt if the don't close their umbrella before they get into the school. I'm chillin ' behind this chick, and she walks right into the school umbrella, and all. I get cut in front of by another umbrella girl who proceeds to get stuck in the doorway with her umbrella! I mean seriously!
Small Group&Me: -group laughter-