Thursday, March 02, 2006

Tuesday-Today ^.^

On Tuesday, I was in the car...waiting to go to father's graduation. I had to move into the back seat of the van because not only was Mother driving sibling and I there, she was also driving our uncle, grandmother, and great aunt. A thing you should know about the two women, they are exactly the same, and exactly different. One will gripe on and on about how nothing is hot when there is clearly steam, the other will gripe about taxes. Each of them takes the other ofr a nitwit, and don't really like to spend time with each other. Well, we sat them in a car, and I listened to them talk about money collectors. For example, the Red Cross, and Blue Shiled, and the other really important one. My great Aunt talks about how a city is celebrating mardi gras all out, when there are people on the streets, sleeping in boxes. She turns around and goes, "I'm only giving money to the collectors in Maryland when I know that the money stays in Maryland." I stared at the back of her head for a few moments in disbelief. Finally shaking my head, and going back to punching Sibling in the arm.
After the graduation where Father was appointed Valedictorian, I received his square hat. That brings my quota up to four abserd hats. Perhaps I shall do a post about hats another time....

Wednesday came along after the Tuesday, and I had to half-ass my way through 75 note cards. I started with 14...and ended up with 61. That's all I could find on my topic, and all that applied to my thesis statement. Took me four hours to get all of those cards done, and all of my 10 sources read through. After that, I went to dinner with Grandmother, Father, Sibling, and Mother. A weekly event. I believe was not all that eventful. I ran around the prison, deciding how much I truely hate the place. I felt like crap the entire day, a sick feeling in my stomach, and a constant headache. Apparantly there is a test on the Chemistry...I think I'll do fine on it.....

I think that's it....I've been 'out of it' a little more, I think. Kind of distant, quiet maybe. I don't know. I've got alot to think about.

Quote of The Day:
(Brought to you by 'where's you logic')
Her:I don't get it! What is it with these 7th graders who think they're going to melt if the don't close their umbrella before they get into the school. I'm chillin ' behind this chick, and she walks right into the school umbrella, and all. I get cut in front of by another umbrella girl who proceeds to get stuck in the doorway with her umbrella! I mean seriously!
Small Group&Me: -group laughter-

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