Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pulp Fiction...And Other Things

Yo you guys!

I just saw the end of'>Pulp Ficition and it was very funny - to say the least. Never did I think to find a good movie on at 2 in the morning.. But, I accidently turned on VH1 and there it was, John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson standing around in blood covered suits... I said to myself "Self, what in God's name are you watching?" So, I waited, and waited until I could figure out a name of one of the characters. However, I couldn't... Seems I wasn't listening close enough, I did get a few fantastic quotes...

+If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions. 

+ If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this.

Ah, good timies. Yes, timies, I did it on purpose, I didn't just  accidently type an 'I' in the word 'times'. ... Alright, so maybe I did. But, uh, I think I'm going to keep it there. Why? Well, you've obviously continued reading the blog, so you aren't confused by it and my point still gets across. My point, unfortunately, is not all that important... So, I don't know what to tell you there.

Time for 'Other Things':

Oh my God...I have discovered my new least favorite person... She is... Mary Murphy... The screaming and the orange skin and the woodchuck/beaver teeth... Whoa! Really, I can't describe the annoyance she causes my brain... I'm sorry if you like her or are related to her or if Mary Murphy herself is reading my blog...just...really, I just can't stand her. Ah well... I can always change the channel...

I recently saw Batman: Dark Knight and I can honestly tell you it took me a few minutes to find Heath Ledger under all that make-up...  But I did, and he was glorious. Also, Christian Bale - still gorgeous, though it seems he's been arrested recently for verbally abusing his mother in a London hotel... Hm. Oh, don't worry, I'm not a stalker, I just saw it on VH1 - it's what I'm watching now. So, yeah. Oh! Cillian Murphy is, like, in the first five minutes as Dr. Crane/Scarecrow... I love, love, love him! I thought you all should be aware of that. Just something you should know... Yeah. It was a really awesome movie. You should also know that there are two villains in this movie. And girls - some guys - you do get to briefly see Heath without the Joker make-up on. It is brief, if you blink, you will miss it. I'm not going to tell you when, you'll just have to not blink when watching the movie.

More other news.

Me, I've got a lack of musical knowledge of bands and such - especially bands that I grew up with. When I say that I lack that knowledge, I mean I can give you some lyrics, the band name and maybe the song title, but I can't tell you the name of the members of the band. I can, however, now tell you that lead man Gavin Rossdale, of Bush is now solo... I have just learned this from VH1. I like Bush...Really good band, I enjoy them. Check them and Mr. Rossdale out on youtube or something... iTunes...whichever you prefer...

Alright, I'm going to take off now... It's really hot in my living room... I don't like it one bit, no sir-ee... I wish for the meat-locker, frigid temperatures of my bedroom. Yes...wonderful... Alright, I'll talk to you guys later...

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go home and have a heart attack.
-Vincent, Pulp Fiction

^_6;; Jereality

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Freakin' Bored

-Life-Time Guarantee of Crazy-

There is nothing for me to do. Everyone is asleep. I'm not hungry. I'm not thirty. I'm not tired. I don't want to watch TV. I don't want to read. I don't really want to play on the PS2. I'm feeling lethargic. I don't want to talk to anyone. I almost didn't post. However, I felt that if I blooged, I'd fall asleep afterwards or something...That's what I'm banking on, actually... There isn't anything ON tv... which kind of bites...

Ah well, no matter... I'm kinda bored now, so I might try and go to sleep...Hit myself over the head with something...a shoe? A book... A plastic jaguar.... Whatever...

Yeaps... Later gater!!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Murder...And Other Fun Things You Can Do At Parties

Hello my friends! It is I, Jereality, coming back to you after about a week of slumber! I've become a bit nocturnal as of late, and have been staying up until the wee hours of the morning before going to sleep until 2:30[sub]PM[/sub] - 4:00 [sub]PM[/sub]. It has been good times, however, I do believe that my vampiric schedule has come to an abrupt turn around. It seems my sleeping over Onyx's house and finally waking up at around 8:00[sub]AM[/sub] actually might be the thing that keeps me up all day until I fall asleep around midnight-ish... Mind you, '-ish' can round to, like... 5 hours... So, we'll see.

Anyway, I'm sure some of you looked at the title and went something like this:" (O.O)  MURDER!? FUN THINGS!? SOCIOPATH!!" Well, no... I am not crazy, nor do I have disregard for the consequences I receive... No, I'm talking about a game. A game that included me dying twice in a row. I've also killed two people in a row... Yes, you heard me - I committed fictional murder! Fear Me! You don't have to, but it would be nice if I saw a little more 'cower'. 

So, back to the game: Murder!
It's really fun in a big group of people.. in fact, I will give you the recipe for the pot o' fun.

1. A group of friends who total more than fact, 8 would be nice...up to you though
2. A house... preferably a clean one - instructions to follow-
3. Light switches
4. A cup/hat/bowl/paperbag/plasticbag - only one of these - instructions to follow -
5. Pen & Paper 

1. Combine friends and house for several hours until the outside lighting is dark. -may take some time, depending on when friends are assembled-
2. Count how many people want to play, including yourself, and subtract one. This is how many bits of paper you will need.
2b. Write 'No' on all but one of these slips of paper.
2c. On the remaining piece of paper, write 'Yes'
2d. Place bits of paper in the cup/hat/bowl/various bag
3. Decide which of your friends will be the Detective 
4. Have everyone but the Detective take a piece of paper
5. Once piece of paper is drawn, and everyone has seen what they chose, place pieces of paper back in the cup/hat/bowl/various bag, and save for the following round
6. Place Detective in a separate room -bathrooms are generally the place to put them- 
7. Once Detective is gone, turn off all of the lights on the level of the house you are going to play on 
8. The Person who drew 'Yes' is the murderer. Your job is to silently tap someone to kill them. Make sure you do it so they know they've died - but don't be too loud, otherwise the other people will hear you.
8b. If you drew 'No' don't touch anyone, just wander around in the dark until someone dies.
8c. If you've been tapped by the Murderer, scream and fall to the ground.
-Step Eight could take a while depending on how sneaky your Murderer is-
9. Turn on the lights, look around and bring the Detective out of the room it was placed in. Detective look at the scene.
10. Everyone must now move to sit - perhaps around the kitchen table of in the family room, to be interrogated  by the Detective
IMPORTANT: EVERYONE but the Murderer must tell the Truth. Murderer may to lie to his or her heart's desire
11. Questioning may take a while depending on how many suspects are in the room. 
12. When Questioning is over, and the Detective is ready to make an accusation, s/he must say "I Declare (Murderer)killed (Victim)!"
13. If the Detective was right, s/he wins. If not, the Murderer wins.
NOTE: You may then choose another Detective, and have house guests redraw pieces of paper to start a new round. Repeat until sun rises...or guests leave.

"That's a great sounding game, Jereality! But, what if I want to play a game and it's daylight outside?"

Well, citizen, I've got a similar game for you to play while the sun is still high in the sky. It is called: Mafia!

1. Several people
2. Seating to accommodate however many people you've got
3. A Deck of Cards

The Hit-List
1. Take the King of Clubs, King of Hearts, Ace of Spades, Ace of Diamonds, and the Queen of Hearts from the deck of cards - these make up four of your players
1b. Count the remaining people and subtract one, draw that many numerical cards and place them with the face cards.
2. Choose a story-teller.
2b. Once chosen, the story-teller takes the chosen cards and mixes them up.
3. Every player chooses a card at random - except the story-teller - and keeps it.
4. The Kings are the police officers. The Aces are the Mafia. The Queen of Hearts is the nurse. Everyone else is an innocent bystander.

*Story Teller says it's night time. Every 'goes to sleep' by putting their heads down and closing their eyes.

5. The story teller then says "Mafia, please wake up. ONLY the MAFIA lift their heads and open their eyes. The ones that are still “alive” quietly and unanimously choose a person to eliminate by pointing to someone in the group. Once they have chosen, the story-teller must tell them to "go back to sleep" by closing their eyes putting their heads down.
6. The story teller now asks the Nurse to "wake up". ONLY the NURSE may open his/her eyes. The story teller will now ask the Nurse to silently choose someone to save. Once someone is chosen, the Nurse must "go back to sleep".
7. Story-teller must call, "wake up" the Police Officers. ONLY the POLICE OFFICERS may open their eyes. Silently, the Police Officers must point to a member of the circle and choose someone they think belongs to the Mafia. The Story-teller must nod or shake his/her head to indicate if the member of the group actually is or is not a member of the Mafia. Once the Story-teller knows all of this information, s/he instructs the Police Officers to "go back to sleep".
8. Story-teller tells everyone to "wake up," because it is now 'day-time'.
9. The Story-teller now has to tell everyone who died, and make a reason how they died. The dead Person must now leave the circle silently. Unless, of course, the Nurse saved them. If the Dead person wasn't saved, they leave and get to watch the game with the Story-teller.
10. The bystanders (along with the Mafia and Police Officers who try to blend in with them - DON'T BLOW YOUR COVER!!!!!) now vote on who they think killed the dead person. Once people vote on who they think did it, those people must give a case as to why they didn't - examples include describing how wonderful their friendship was with the 'deceased', things of that nature... Once the bystanders have heard enough, they vote on the remaining people. The person with the most votes leaves to watch the game with the deceased - if there is one - and the Story-teller.
11. After the Meeting, it is night time again, and everyone has to go back to sleep. The cycle continues until either the townspeople are all dead, or the Mafia members both get jailed. The Nurse is able to be killed by the Mafia. Police Officers are able to be killed by the Mafia.

"Wow, Jereality...both of those games have people killing each other... It's a little inhumane, don't you think?" 

Ah, it seems we've got a justice-junkie on our hands...Well, this next game will be a bouncy one for you then, dear.

VAMPIRE! - not inhumane... because it's a vampire... :K -

-Any Human with a pulse - preferably more than 7

How To Play
1. Count the number of people you've got, and write 'no' on all but on pieces of paper...write 'yes' on the remaining one and put them all in a cup/bowl/hat/various bag
2. Have everyone choose a piece of paper. Once all have chosen and seen what they've picked, place papers back into container.
3. Begin shaking hands. Shakes hands with everyone... repeat handshakes...
4. The vampire must, while shaking hands - in order to kill someone - shake that person's hand and either squeeze their hand lightly, rub their wrist with your middle finger - anything to let them know they've died.
4b. If you're not the vampire and you've shaken hands with the vampire, shake a few more hands before screaming and falling to the ground.
5. Everyone continues shaking hands until people start to figure out who the vampire is... Once it is figured out, start the game over again.

Yep, those are some of my favorite party games... I learned the first one last night... I'm good at it... It's fun times, Murderer... I was the Detective twice, and I died twice and I killed people twice and I was a bystander once... Good times...

So, go ahead, get out there and start killing you friends!

^_6;; Jereality

Friday, July 04, 2008

Used To...

I used to go to High School - I don't anymore, I graduated.
I used to go to school with my friends - we don't go to the same schools now.
I used to be able to say 'I never had to say "I used to be friends with so-and-so" ' - but apparently, I can say that now.

There are just some times that I wish I wasn't allowed to say some things - for instance, "I used to be friends with her." I wish I never had to say that. It seems I am a terrible friend, that, because I don't 'pick-sides' during an argument between two of my friends, means I don't care about said friends. This, however, is not true. The fact that I don't pick sides is because I can see both sides of the story - I understand where each party is coming from. Some people don't understand how I can see both of those sides - and I refuse to make them see it - but I can. It's a gift. And suddenly, now, a curse.

Where's-Your-Logic-At (WYLA) is now, I think a 'used-to-be-friends-with' friend. She had a party I couldn't make it to... I felt bad that I couldn't make it, however, I had made plans with GGR and I refuse to cancel plans with family for plans with friends - something with my morals, I don't quite understand them yet, I just can't let myself put friends over family.... So, the fact I couldn't come to her party made her sad. I apologized, but I don't think that she thought I meant it. News-flash: I always mean my apologies - I refuse to say "I'm sorry" and not mean it - also morals which I do not fully understand. That's just the way I am, and I won't change who I am because one person doesn't like it.

Since then, we had the beach day I mentioned in the post know, the one where it looks like I'm siding with PalmTree and Qualms and Onyx rather than Cheer, WYLA, Bretagne, and TinyPenmenship. I'm not though - I can see easily that it was all just a misunderstanding from the beginning. In fact, if we had all just stayed put for a while and decided where we were going to go, rather than just have each person assume we were going to one place, the whole fiasco would've been a wonderful adventure. However, WYLA took this event to be another personal dig to her from me. So, she called me a few times - the first time, I answered, and she proceeded to say I never pick 'her-side' and that I keep saying I'm her best friend, but I never defend her. The truth is, I never have to defend her because my other friend's know that I'm friends with her and won't say anything mean about her in front of my face.

So, anyway, back to the phone call. She also questioned my morals, some of which I stated above in the words prior to these, and told me that I was "being immature about this whole thing." But, isn't blowing up about this "whole thing" immature?  It's not my fault she was unaware that one car thought we were going to one place and the other thought they were going to another place. I can't figure that out - I'm not Kreskin, I can't read minds. I just don't know what I'm going to do. She's been my friend for the longest time...I don't want to have to end it, but she's being ridiculous now. She told me I think too much about the situations, and don't realize when a friend is hurting. I do notice that, though, that's why I am the one people come to when they need to talk to someone. She then questioned my morals again, called me immature, and said I was not being a true friend. 

I just don't know what to do anymore. This hurts, this feeling...It makes me tired, and I feel really worn out...I don't know what I'm going to do... I don't want to lose her as a friend, but she's getting to the point where even talking to her is making my skin crawl. She repeats the same insults to my personal being that it just pains me to talk to her. It was a chore to call her tonight... I didn't want to, but I hit a bump on the drive home and my thumb hit the 'Send' button. I spent 50 minutes on the phone with her...I hate the phone, I won't even exceed ten minutes on the phone with family members that I love. 

I don't know what I'm going to do with myself... I had some pound cake after that call, now I have a terrible headache. I think I'm just going to lay down, maybe do some sleeping... I don't know, I'll write more later..give you guys some updates, or what-have-you. I'll talk at you later, I guess....

This fits nicely: I feel... thin. Sort of stretched, like... butter scraped over too much bread. I need a holiday. A very long holiday. And I don't expect I shall return. In fact I mean not to. 
