Sunday, April 30, 2006

Oh For The Love Of Everything Holy!

Alrighty, apparantly, in the 4th grade, I thought I'd be cool becoming Misty from Poke'mon. Well, I did it..and apparantly, we kept the bright, obnoxiously orange wig. Apparantly, I like the obnoxiously orange wig. And, I did actually wear it in public too. Sibling, and her friend The Baron's Sister, and myself walked to Acme with it atop my noggin. Oh the stares I could feel! It made me laugh inside, and out. Of course, whenever I turned around to see the people, they quickly turned their heads and occupied themselves so as not to appear 'rude'. No matter people, I don't mind....

On another matter, my shoulders hurt very badly. I don't know why, they just do. Damn shoulder blades. They(my arms) might be growing agian...That may mean I'm getting taller...Woo! Height!

You know what I just thought....What would happen if you went camping, and a mosquito just up and landed on your eye lid. Mind you, you're sleeping. And said bug went to stick its little needle into your eye skin...Do you think, since your eyelid is so thin, that the bug's shnoze would penetrate you eyelid, and go straight through to the eyeball itself. Furthermore, what would said bugger do once inside your eye? Suck out vision juice, and put blood in your eye? Would that give you bloodshot eyes, or would it give you a syst in your eye......

Please don't run away......It's just my mind spilling through my fingers, and onto this here keyboard. And finally coming out as letters, numbers and dots...Characters, if you will onto this site.

I hope you all know, that while I post on this blog, I'm adding to the high percentile of car-pull-tunnel. DId you all know that.I'll have to wear one of those obnoxious braces around my wrists.....That'd be very upsetting.....Thought you all might like to know.

And another little tid-bit, I dislike printers who decide not to work for me. Especially when they get jams, and I fix them, and they continue to spit nothing out but air.....Actually, it didn't do anything! It was very frusterating, really. Especially since I think Father needs the paper that is supposed to be printing out...TOMORROW! Oh well, it's working now, and that's all that really matters to my brain...My poor, poor brain....I think it needs help.......-sigh- My poor brain........and Heart......That one needs help too.....Too much anxious breathing for that little bugger to beat that fast......Alright, It's time for me to retire now, and listen to calm music.......Yeah

G'night, guys.....

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Wait....What?! #3

Alrighty, guys....Have you ever just randomly mumbled soething while you and your friend are trying to sleep.......For instance, Onyx was sleeping over last night, and she was all 'Click!' And I'm trying to sleep and stuff, and all I can think about is what the hell Onyx means by 'Click!' I still don't know........Oh well.....

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Level Three & My Pen

We had a Level five drill in Prison today. I lied. It was level Three...See, aren't those titles helpful? No...? You don't count any longer! ANYWAY! A level three drill is when the Prison has a lock down type of deal. All us little urchins get up from our lesson, and we hide.....Yeah, that's pretty much it....Very effective against people with weapons to shoot down the door, and pick us off one by one...What a lovely idea.....
On another note, Onyx, my partner in crime, stole my pen yet again. If you forget that post, it's on you because I don't remember when I actually posted the quote. Well, I got a ransom note this time...I'm letting you read it because I like you!

Hey Skanky, (That's me! ^.^)
Should I hold you sh-stuff hostage? How about 1 Green Day pen for a Pheonix Down (or whatever) button. What? Trading is still very common. Personally, I'd love to get a sandwhich at lunch merely by trading them a calculater and a twisty spoon. But I guess that's just me.
I'm feeling a little...feverish. Like total blah. I feel like I want to just dunk my face into cold water. But I won't, wet hair after 3rd period is inconvinient.

"Just like you!" She exclaimed after I read the note....Thanks Onyx, I love you too....Silly little goose, you.

Such lovely friends I have....Alrighty guys, that's about it...Here's your quote!

Quote Of The Day:
(During Our Level Three)
Onyx: I feel like we're playing hide and seek....
(As we're hiding along the wall......O.o)
With a really retarded seeker.

Yeah, try hiding for your life while laughing at your silly friend. It's difficult, really, it is!

Monday, April 24, 2006

G'Bye Spring Break!

That's dissapointing...No more pretending to sleep until noon because no prison the next day. But...Well, there really are no 'buts' about it. That kinda stinks..No more happy fun time until the Week end, and Thursday night at nine....On The WB....For A show called Supernatural....I watch it with Father.....who will most likely check up on me to make sure I'm in bed right now....So, that means I must say my good byes to you as well....Ta ta!

Friday, April 21, 2006

I'm Back!

This is the part where you all greet me with open arms, and the like.

That was a horrible welcome home. You guys suck. I didn't mean that, really. You can reclick that little button that'll take you back to my blog now....Good, you're back. Lovely. I went to Virginia. It was a great time, and I got back....two days ago. I forgot to get online...And then I had a job, yes a job, I'll get into that later-should I remember, and then a party...It was all very hectic.
My family drove on....I want to say Tuesday....No! It was Thursday. We drove to Virginia on Thursday, it was uneventful, lots of listening to music, and ignoring things. Saw some pretty cool accidents though. Once we got to the hotel....I think we chilled. Yeah, we went to Uno's, and ate dinner, and then went back to the hotel and went to sleep. Yay sleep!
Friday, my family had the idea of going to a Living Museum. It was pretty cool. A big room, with a bunch of nifty facts about rocks, and fossils. Another story was on Marine life, across the room were some more things about rocks. I crawled into a Sea Turtle Shell. Mind you, it's made of plastic, and empty...We got a picture.....*Turtle Turtle* Then we went to a Murder Mystery Dinner thing. It was pretty awesomtastic. 'Frankly Scarlett, you're dead', although, Scarlett doesn't die...It's her father...Scarlett does it though...She was a spy from the North...Set before the Civil War...Well, sort of During the Civil War. Her father found out, and all that fun stuff...But I've ruined the thing thus far, I'll let the rest of it be a bit of a surprise.
On Saturday.....We did something.....What did we do on Saturday......I don't know....we shall skip Saturday.
Next Day.....Sunday....What did we do on Sunday......Oh Yeah! Easter! We went to Busch Gardens on Easter! And it wasn't as packed as I thought it would be either, you know, everyone having the same idea that nobody would come to a theme park on Easter......Apparantly no one had received that memo I sent out...Oh well, I tried. Anyway, we spent the whole day at Busch Gardens. It was pretty awesome.
Monday! It fricken rained on Monday! We went to Williamsburg...IN THE RAIN! It was cold, and wet..and the people smelled badly....even the ones I knew had showers! Disgusting.....
Tuesday, it was great on Tuesday. We went to Jamestowne....That's how it was spelled. This is how it looked: Jamestowne. And they saw it 'Jaim-es-town' It was bizarre. But I got alot of great pictures I neglected to show Onyx today. Then we went back to WIlliamsburg when it wasn't raining...Got some cool pictures there......
And Wednesday we drove home............

Funny Things On The Trip That I Saw!:
(Damn, that was a long title)

On A Van:
Ms. Carriers:Delivering Your Future!

Father:I haven't heard this song in years!
Sibling: It's a shame they brought it back.

Me: I swear! Those goggles came up to eat my nose! They were all, plastic! Suffication is fun! Try it!

Tour Person: And Jaim-es-town...
Me:What the deuce is Jaim-es-town....? Oh! Oh, you mean Jamestown! By the wuder and stuff, right?!

I'm sure there was alot more, I just don't remember.......

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Spring Break....

I'm going to be gone....For 5-6 days.....So, this would be the perfect time o break into my internet home, and rob me of my fine jewelery and such of those things like that.
HA! I dare you to understand that!
Alright, good bye, and have a happy Spring Break!

Quote of the Day:
Onyx:like...its totally a Macbeth thing but its one of those you dont think about it until it happens things
Me:(in my mind...'...........'...)
(online) Ah......
I love those

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What....What the deuce!?

Me: Give me my pen!!....Are my hands cold?
Onyx: They're death....Ha! You should write that down!
Me: I would....IF/I/HAD/A/PEN!!!!!

Ah yes....Chem..we learn to share........It's not fun...Regardless, I got my pen back....Yeah, so after that was over, Onyx wrote it down on a piece of paper and later that day, I left it on my desk....Very fortunate because I vaccumed, and any scrap of paper on the floor was sucked up into the Abyss that is 'The Sucker'.
Alright, Sibling, and Mother are in DC.....And I'm home with Father, at the moment, he's watching tv downstairs. Much fun. I'm sitting in my room, in the chair that an incredably gorgous guy was sitting in yesterday. It made me happy that we could talk about usual stuff, while waiting for my music to change itself to MP3 mode, rather than whatever mode it's on now.
So, we spoke, then he had to go home. He's chance, but it's nice to dream.

Me:-you got e-mail-
Ho, shit.
From whom?
Me: Me..... ^_^

Yeah, AIM what a great invention....

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Boiling Over

Your fingers are cold
As they wrap around my neck.
It's funny, though
You don't even realize what you're doing.
Everything is a joke,
Until you snap.
Then the anger boils over,
Scolding everything it touches.
I don't boil over.
The lid keeps tight on my soul,
my anger releasing itself
into the palms of my hands.
So go on,
Turn your burners all the way up.
I'll be there,
Getting Burned,
Cleaning Up Your mess

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Achoo! And Hank....

I have just sneezed...Hence the title. Regardless, I'm sitting at my table...DESK! I'm sitting at my corner desk, and typing to you all...looking at the disgrace I like to call 'Homemade Iced Coffee', or Hank, for fun. So, I'm sitting over here, chewing on iced chunks of Hank, and wondering why he tastes really bad. And it dawns on me..All I did was dump the coffee in the belnder, and add ice. Did I think of adding sweetner, or milk...? No, I took my first sip, and nearly went blind for all the eye twitching. But, I fixed him..added Splenda(c) and some milk, and was set. So now, Hank is depleted half way...with chunks of ice on top...Which is bizarre becuase I'd think the ice would sink...Apparantly, I was wrong.....Oh well......
Everytime I drink, I get big chunks of ice on the sides of my mouth....and if you all haven't noticed...Ice is kind of cold......yeah......
Well, I need to go and take some Happy Pills, for I feel a head ache coming on....


Sibling: Yeah, they're like children of the crop!

Me: You know, if the thing went that way then the thing thing the that way........ O.o

Man at Eye-Doctors: Yeah, I couldn't get the contact out. I've had them in for a while, and this one just wouldn't come out.
Me(softly): That's probably because you tried to pry t out with your feet, loser.

Me: Now would be the time for some ominous music to be playing.......

Me: You can't go out of order! You don't count 34,35,36, 38! 39! You can't skip volume 37!!!!

Me: But if you go that way then we go the way we came!! -looks like I understood what I said for a moment too-

Jakotsu: Two of the Band of Seven are already dead....That leaves four....
Renkotsu: Seven minus two is five.
-Inu Yasha, volume 35

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Only Jesus....

Alright, every wednesday, I hang out with my grandmother, father, and sister...later joined by my mother for dinner at a Colonial Restaurant. Well, on the ride from our 'hang out' we were talking about the woman who had been dunked in a vat of perfume.....To the point the stink filled the room! We breathe, and we choke on this stuff! Here's our conversation::
Father: Man, that woman....I couldn't even breathe!
Gram'om: -about the car in front of us- C'mon, granpop, we need the air!
Me:I know, it was horrible!
Father: It's in my clothes....It's in my DNA!!!
-Insert Group Laughter Here-
Father:And then that other woman, she was talkin' to that short lady. I couldn't see the short one, I thought she was talking to her self! Or, having a full conversation with the air...It was probably Jesus! Like one of those people on the bus, 'Is anyone sitting here?' 'Only Jesus' -big grin- 'That's okay, I'll find another spot'
-More Group Laughter-

Lovely, wouldn't you say?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Well, it turns out that 'Talks with her hands' needed to do a paper for Chemistry....During feeding time in Prison, I smell this....waxy scent, and instantly get flashes of preschool, and kindergarten....What in god's name... I thought as I looked around the table, gasping as I saw what had created the scent.
Crayons! That smell was crayons, really bright, obnoxious colorful little buggers........They were alot of fun, perhaps I'll find some way to scan my paper on this thing, show you all my 'perdy' artwork.
Also, I'm trying to bring back words from the 80's.....Skoal, is an example of one such word......Skoal is a desriptive word, meaning cool....You see something you think is awesome, you say 'Man! That was so Skoal!' And so on.......Remember, you heard it here first!

Quote Of The Day:
Me: I Knew I smelled Childhood!

Monday, April 03, 2006


Dear, ________
Things Happen At My Home
I Don't Think You Care Enough To Ask Though.....
A Simple Electronic Buzz Filtering Your Mind
You Wish To Drag Me Into It Too
Bleeps, After Angry Bleep Follow Me Wherever I Happen To Be.
Bleeps From You.......
Telling Me You Feel Like Crap.....
...You've Had A Bad Day....
...You're Going To Cry.....
Only If I Do Not Join You......
Do You Care That I Do Not Want To Join?
A Simple Electronic System Does Not Intrest Me
Words Will Not Make Me Instantly Happy.....
Are You That Shallow?
To Have Such A Thing Rule Your Life?
My Companion Will Die Soon.....
Sooner Than I May Like.....
And All You Seem To Be Worried About Is Yourself.
I Do Not Have Time To Worry About My Own Life,
Let Alone Tend To Yours.
I Got To The Point Of Tears Last Night.....
Fear For My Companion,
Fear For You Should I Turn To A Carefree Person....
Fear For My Well-Being.
It's Not Healthy To Keep This Anger Bottled Up....
It's Not Enough For Me To Write It Out, Either......
You Don't Realize That I Don't Care Wether Your Day Turned Out Badly.
I May Fake An "aw" Should You Complain To My Face
Inwardly Realizing How Pompous, And Egotystical You Are.
I'm Getting Tired Of It.
This Is Your Warning.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Little Urchin.....

Alright, I went to a Car Show the other day. Lots of fun, got home from school, quick ate something, and took of wit Dad, and his friend Dennis. So, after a couple miles we get stuck behind this little green car. A mother, and teen or something in the front seat, and a 6 or something yerar old in the back.....staring at us.....Yes, this little blonde boy, waving at the car...So, when a child turns around and makes eye contact......What does one do? Duh! Stick your tongue out at them! So, I did! It was great, he looked so shocked..and I'm all 'Yeah! I went there!' Hysterical. So, the window is rolled down slightly, and the kid waves out the window..All of a sudden *BOOM* The kid flips us off! He's six years old! And he flipped us off! Then he begins to spell things to us, making bizarre signs, and pointing to a dried bug carcass on the back window...All between his mother telling him to stop looking out the window.
Ah....Good Times.....