Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Level Three & My Pen

We had a Level five drill in Prison today. I lied. It was level Three...See, aren't those titles helpful? No...? You don't count any longer! ANYWAY! A level three drill is when the Prison has a lock down type of deal. All us little urchins get up from our lesson, and we hide.....Yeah, that's pretty much it....Very effective against people with weapons to shoot down the door, and pick us off one by one...What a lovely idea.....
On another note, Onyx, my partner in crime, stole my pen yet again. If you forget that post, it's on you because I don't remember when I actually posted the quote. Well, I got a ransom note this time...I'm letting you read it because I like you!

Hey Skanky, (That's me! ^.^)
Should I hold you sh-stuff hostage? How about 1 Green Day pen for a Pheonix Down (or whatever) button. What? Trading is still very common. Personally, I'd love to get a sandwhich at lunch merely by trading them a calculater and a twisty spoon. But I guess that's just me.
I'm feeling a little...feverish. Like total blah. I feel like I want to just dunk my face into cold water. But I won't, wet hair after 3rd period is inconvinient.

"Just like you!" She exclaimed after I read the note....Thanks Onyx, I love you too....Silly little goose, you.

Such lovely friends I have....Alrighty guys, that's about it...Here's your quote!

Quote Of The Day:
(During Our Level Three)
Onyx: I feel like we're playing hide and seek....
(As we're hiding along the wall......O.o)
With a really retarded seeker.

Yeah, try hiding for your life while laughing at your silly friend. It's difficult, really, it is!

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