Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Only Jesus....

Alright, every wednesday, I hang out with my grandmother, father, and sister...later joined by my mother for dinner at a Colonial Restaurant. Well, on the ride from our 'hang out' we were talking about the woman who had been dunked in a vat of perfume.....To the point the stink filled the room! We breathe, and we choke on this stuff! Here's our conversation::
Father: Man, that woman....I couldn't even breathe!
Gram'om: -about the car in front of us- C'mon, granpop, we need the air!
Me:I know, it was horrible!
Father: It's in my clothes....It's in my DNA!!!
-Insert Group Laughter Here-
Father:And then that other woman, she was talkin' to that short lady. I couldn't see the short one, I thought she was talking to her self! Or, having a full conversation with the air...It was probably Jesus! Like one of those people on the bus, 'Is anyone sitting here?' 'Only Jesus' -big grin- 'That's okay, I'll find another spot'
-More Group Laughter-

Lovely, wouldn't you say?

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