Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Situation of the Week

Alright, Father and I are driving home, can you picture it? We turn into the little circle, round some stupid cars, and become stuck behind some person who is obviously visiting another relative behind our sect of homes.
"How do you know it's a visitor, Jereality?" you may ask...well.....
As we turn to where the spots are, the person in front of us turns on a blinker.......Yep, a blinker. Father and I stare at the act of stupidity, and laugh as the woman pulls into the spot, and parks.

Father: "That's good, you're gonna want to make a right at big red truck, and come to a stop at the concrete poll."
Me: "If you hear a slight scraping, and the sound of your engine combusting, you've gone too far."

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