Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Fourth

Well, let's just start by saying Happy Fourth of July.

My day began when Father woke me up at 10 of nine for the parade. I said that I might go back to sleep, and he said it was alright and that he didn't really care about the parade. he left, and I thought for a while. father and I always walk down the road a piece to GGR's house and watch the parade. I can't not go because I'm a little sleepy. So, I got up and got dressed. What time does the parade start? I don't know, he countered. Well, it's easily assesed that I am not amused, so he gives me the latest 'send-back' netflix movie and says 'Go ask the Hall'. So, I go and ask the hall, where some woman tells me registration is at nine-thirty. At that time, it was 9:15-ish. So, I stared at her and her festival of pockets for a few minutes, said thanks and waited till she left so I could be on my merry way.

I left the Hall, dropped off the movie and went back to my home. Ten, I say to him. So, I went back upstairs and changed my pants from capris to jeans...because it was cold outside, who'da thought? Anyway, at ten o'clock, we - Father and I - walked to GGR's house and talked it up a bit, and then the parade came!

We had a bunch of little kids on bikes, and a pair of wins on a float - one enjoying herself, the other, though, looked like she could use some candy. Speaking of which, only a couple pieces were thrown during the entire five minutes drive-by. Needless to say, the funds for our parade have decreased exponentially since I have moved in. I don't sense a connection though, I'm too cool to bring the downfall of an entire community's parade lifestyle. Right? We'll go with that anyway.

After tha, I went to Onyx's house and had a blasty blast from 3 to 9 o'clock ish and then came home. Where I type to you now. So, all in all, I had fun today, it seemd to go by very quickly though...oh well, maybe tomorrow will be longer. I want a long summer, not one that whooshes by....those summers are lame.

Hope Your Parade Was Amazing,

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