Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mental Explosion

Alrighty, when you read the title, were your first thoughts 'oh my gosh, brilliant ideas had been formed!' or were your thoughts more along the lines of 'somone's head exploded?' Well, for the past couple days, actually, since last friday, I've been getting these 'sort-of' migranes. They start a little above the center of my forehead, and spread. Like, take your head, and fold your fingers so that they all come to a point, then place it a little above your forehead, and spread your fingers. That's how my little headaches start. Then the pain goes down my jaw bone, and sort of resonates there for a while, until it gets tired of staying there, when it then moves to my temples and the room begins to spin.

It is terrible. I've had to go and lay down and take motrin until I fall asleep. The worst. Everyday without hesitation, BAM! Headache....the worst. If I get them every day this week, I'm telling Mother and requestiong a scan on my noggin.... 'cause this can't be normal. Nope, can't be normal.

Hope your brains don't explode,
-Jereality;; ^_6

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