Friday, October 05, 2007

What Is...


Does anyone have any ideas? Any at all?

We have these discussions in the Education Station where I do my schooling...we go into Socratic circles and discuss these questions that the philosophers pondered over. Today's question was 'Does history exist', to which several people answered 'yes' to, other, like Onyx, said 'no,' and something to the effect of 'no, because it's not a complete history. There are some civilizations that have existed that we don't even know about.' I thought that was an amazing answer, one, that apparantly, evaded me as I answered the question with a simple, 'we only have 'the winners' point of view. The loser is conquered, gone, no more...' Which, now that I think about it, makes much less sense then it did while I was there.

Then there was another question, what have you invented in your reality. Well, first, I discussed my own reality, 'Jereality' - as it is my name, combined with 'reality', very clever, I know. I finally got it out there that I like to watch fights...some...most of which I've instigated and backed away from. That is a terrible character flaw. I should work on that. I'm pretty sure I'm going to work on becoming a better person. Try not to be as sarcastic as I am, hurtful...things like that. Though, it's going to be very difficult because I'm almost positive sarcasm is a defense mechanism of mine. Sorry, this post started good, and ended with me feeling lousy. That kinda sucks for me, doesn't it? Yeah. It does. I'm a terrible person. I'll work on it...

May You Be The Change You Wish To See In The World - Ghandi,

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