Thursday, December 14, 2006

And on the....11th Day...?

The Jereality family got our Christmas tree this evening! It's the shortest one they had....I feel in love with it as I passed it. In fact, I passed it, amongst its super tall brethern, 'aww! I love this one.' Well, we walked around a bit, and then I finally brought the little group back to the midgit tr- Vertically challanged tree, and we bought it. Lots of fun there, I tell you what. So the tree is now 'chillin' in our living room by the front door....It works though, Sibling and I should decorate it tonight..but it'll probably end up being tomorrow or the next day, because Sibling is slow moving, and is lazy sometimes. Oh well.

Oh yes, and my Mother got eye surgery today. She looks - in the shadows- like she's got black eyes. Like, the white part, black. But really, it's red...because there is blood in your eye area....It's just how it is. So, I'll keep you updated on that tidbit of information...

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