Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I got sunburn! That means a tan! I don't want a tan..So, I told Mother while we were in Barnes and Nobles that I got burnt, she looked at me, and laughed. Then we got coffee! And cake...

Quote of the Day:
Mother:You know what she(me) said in Barnes andNobles today? She looked at me and said 'I have sun burn'. And I just laughed.
Me:But I do! -holds out arm-
Father:-looks back- You don't have sunburn....Cadavers have more color than you do.
Sibling:What's a cadaver?
Me:A dead person....
Father:CHUDS even have more color than you...
Sibling:What's that?
Father: Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers
Me:But really..I've got sunburn...
Mother:No dear, that pigment...
Me:No, look! It's peach! -shoes arm again-
Father: Yeah, okay....Powder

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