Monday, January 22, 2007

My Apologies

Hey, sorry about my absence....IT's been hectic here in Jereality...What with upcoming tests, and women who think they know everything but are really just ignorant monkeys with faces that make me want to stab out their eyes....

What? Homicidal tendancies are not anger issues.

But do not fret, I will commit no such crime...It's far too detrimental to my future plans.

-breaks out into maniacal laughter-

Once again, do not fear....Or perhaps you should....

As it happens, Onyx and I are to be feared....For we share bits and pieces of mind power. Let me tell you a story....

Once upon a time, while walking the halls of our prison, Onyx and I were approached by none other than Wyoming. Silly girl, I thought, what does she have to say. No longer than I ask myself such a question, she says 'I've got a story for you!' Well, being the person I am, I love stories. So, I made it a point to state that fact. No sooner do I open my mouth, Onyx begins the sentance with me.

I love stor...ies?

We looked at each other while we were speaking too...It was quite strange.....but, once again...Do not fret, I have not gone off the deep end to swim with the fishes. I am still in the shalow, with my little floaties...They have little ducks on them, and a light blue undertone- Nevermind....I can see you don't care about my floating. That's alright, I forgive you.

As if happens, however, I have to leave you...again. I will post again later for you all. I sure do imagine that reading the same post over and over again wmay seem boring...but I assure you, once you begin to a memorize every word tht I type you might actually relive these expirirences, or something of the sort...Maybe, just maybe, if you read it long enough, you'll post a comment for me....Something nice, and shiny....shiny is expected, but preferred......

With Love, and Hyperactive Squirrels,


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