Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!


Welcome to the year two-thousand-seven. It feels great to be in the new year...It feels...As a matter of fact, it feels just like 2006, and 2005, and '04, and '03....but not 2000 because everyone was in a tizzy about their hairdryers attacking them. And it's not like '01 feels the same except for those two years. And I've still got the same resolution...Oh, you want to know what my resolution is, I understand. It's to come up with a better resolution for next year. That's it, i'll put it in bold so you know I'm not kidding. My New Year's Resolution is to find a better resolution for next year.

See, it's in bold. Everyone believes things that are in bold, I guess it's because the large letters burn into your corneas....and sizzle themselves into your brains.

Anyway, I had a bit of a bash at CountryBabe's house last night. Lots of fun. Played with some parakeets...they seemed to like me.....and Where'sYourLogicAt seemed to have an Anti-Bird forcefeild up that seemed to deter the birds from actually liking her. Oh well, not my probably....ALthough, I did laugh when she was shat upon...That was funny.

So, I want you all to enjoy the New Year of 2007. Make plans, figure out yourselves, find resolutions, break resolutions, make promises, break 'em, and don't screw up.

You can see the New Year starting if you click the title...Relive the excitement!

This is Jereality, ridding herself of the clinging fibers of 2006, shedding light upon the year of 2007.


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