Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Funny Stuff....

Alright, I've been getting random 'stupid bush' jokes from my friend. And one of them was just so off topic, but funny, I thought I'd give it to you. Here it is:

The FCC is ruling that the "F-word" will be acceptable language on public television and radio as long as it does not refer to the actual sexual act. Therefore we must ask ourselves: When is @#$% Acceptable?

There are only eleven times in history where the "F" word has been considered acceptable for use.

They are as follows:

8. "What the @#$% do you mean we are sinking?"-- Capt. E.J. Smith of RMS Titanic, 1912

7. "What the @#$% was that?" -- Mayor Of Hiroshima, 1945

6. "Where did all those @#$%ing Indians come from?"-- General George Custer, 1877

5. "Any @#$%ing idiot could understand that."-- Einstein, 1938 7. "It does so @#$%ing look like her!"- Picasso, 1926

4. "How the @#$% did you work that out?"-- Pythagoras, 126 BC

3. "You want! WHAT on the @#$%ing ceiling?"-- Michelangelo, 1566

2. "Where the @#$% are we?"-- Amelia Earhart, 1937

1. "Scattered @#$%ing showers, my ass!"-- Noah, 4314 BC

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