Friday, January 06, 2006


Alright, thirty minutes ago, I was an average, every day customer at the Wawa in my hometown. Stocking up on tasty Vinegar&Salt potato chips, and a Red Mountain Dew. Twenty minutes ago, I was standing in a line, staring at a man who calls himself by a letter. Staring at him becuase he was attractive? No, not really. Staring at the expression changes on his face as he rang up OnyxLunacy, and my order for that little voyage of ours. Well...'what were those expressions for?' you ask? Well, you'd understand if you tried to VOID some items from a certan receipt that had been carefully, and strategically left there to mock said Letter. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT try to take two $15.59 cameras off of a purchase that you intend to pay for with gift cards. It will take a while, and become a detriment to most customers in the store. Not fun...Well, it was funny. For me, anyway. Listening to Onyx apologize a couple thiry-some times, and smile, whilst agreeing with everything she says to the Letter.
Anyway, the chips, sodas, and gum proved to be easy to get. The cameras, which we ended up getting rid of, after searching a good ten minutes for them. So, not only did we annoy ourselves, but we annoyed Letter too. I consider it a good days work...for me, not him. I'm almost positive he's hating this day, just about, oh, twenty minutes ago. So, as you may have already clicked, or will soon click(you best) the link to OnyxLunacy's site, to read her apology letter to Letter. So, I sit here, sighing, and laughing to myself.
We talked about voids, and nuclear bomb registers whilst we walked home...where the stupid diligently followed. So, as the apology letter was being written, I decided to talk to the bed. Yes, so, when you read her not think of me as crazy...think of me as.....Well...crazy, yeah. But think of me as not menta- Wait.....Just don't think. Just read it, and giggle....Giggling is fun, I did it alot in my head whilst I watched Letter.

Quote of the Day: Void! Void! Void!

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