Friday, September 08, 2006

Water In The Lungs

Onyx came over today. She's sleeping over, and at the moment, we're in my room, she's on the main computer, and I'm on the laptop. Of course, we're IMing each other...What? What's with the looks? So what if we're three feet apart....I don't see what your point is, it's my story, let me tell it. Anyway, we were talking, and some how I took a giant sip of water, and she had said something funny. And all of a sudden, I realize I can't swallow, or I'll drown, and I can't spit it out, because I'm in my room.
So, what do I do, you ask? You didn't ask? Well, you should ask. Thank you. I swallowed the water. And drowned. I stood, and coughed for a good seven minutes, with a hand firmly wacking my back, making me cough even more, water coming from my lungs, only to be swallowed again....It wasn't a very fun experience. But then again, at least it wasn't Red Mountain Dew...that little venture burnt my throat.
All in all, I have learned one thing. Don't let Onyx ask if she can poke your cheeks when they are totally filled with water, and you're trying to not laugh.


TheBaron said...

You'd make a terrible fish.

Anonymous said...

Heh that was funny