Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Once Again....

Alrighty, do you remember when I did the review on 'The Pop Shop'?
Well, it's been the 'new place' for three weeks in a row....Every Wednesday, Sibling, Mother, Father, and I go to dinner with my Grandmother...And every week for the past three weeks, in been The Pop Shop....I don't know about you, but the place doesn't strike me as 'homey' as 'Webers' is. I practically grew up in Webers....I know the owner, the waiters, and waitress'...I know nothing about The Pop Shop, and once again, tonight we went......And once again, I wasn't satisified......Apparantly, I'm growing a subconscious resentment towards the restaurant....In which my body physically, and mentally no longer wishes to be inside the building within three minutes....
How upsetting......

Quote Of The Day:
Gram'om: Yeah, they wanted to know if I was redoing the kitchen too...Said they had China in they're kitchen and didn't want it to smash.
Me: You mean 'Made In'
-group laughter-

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