Sunday, May 28, 2006


I've been bad over the last few days, not posting at all since Thursday. I'm mildly sorry about that. every time I come onto the laptop, I think to myself, 'I should really get onto that posting thing'. And then poof, something happens in the real qorld, and I forget. Sorry about that.

Anyway, last night, Mother and I went out. Yep, no Sibling, because she's with her obnoxious friend in the cape's of May, and Father had to work with a Man and his initial. So, it was just mother and I....
In fact, our day didn't start at the usual hour either...seeing as she woke up at 4....and my mind wakes up at 6. So, we sat at my abode, and watched some movie about an african tribe, russians, and a chick from London who tries to save her father from said natives. Well, it is now seven o'clock, and we are waiting to see if Ignosi will become king of the natives, when all of a sudden Bam!! it changes to a completely different show..... It spliced into some other show 'Fine Living' or something stupid like that....Mother and I are just staring at the tv with shocked expressions, because not only is this a different show, it's the middle of a different show.
Talk about your co-planer television specials, eh?
So, we decided to go out.
"We're did you go?!" you ask, as you begin to foam at the mouth with all of the excitement. Well, I say to you first, "Calm down. You're going to get your rabies on the keyboard."
Mother and I took a trip down to a new restaurant Grill. Yes, that's the one. And as mother was going to find a parking spot, I walked into the restaurant through the swivel door(I love swivel doors...The big round ones.....with the turny thing inside...Lots o' fun) so, I walked in and got a little 'buz-me-when-there's-a-table' thing, and mother and i travelled across the street to the bookstore where we read for twenty-five minutes. We walked back, and went into the restaurant to ask how much longer, when all of a sudden this woman looks at me and says, "Michelle?"
I stare at her, and look behind me, but no, sure enough, she's staring straight at me, calling me Michelle. I probably looked confused as she spoke, and I shook my head.
"You have a twin!" she exclaimed, to my nodding head. She looks at the man across from her, and says, "Doesn't she look like Michelle? Even their eye frame is the same!" The guy looks at me, and pulls one of those "Oh dear god, I'm sorry" faces, as he nods, and continues eating.
Crazy woman......................
So, we sat in the corner bench, and lo-and-behold, another blog-worthy person. As I'm sitting, I turn to see a mullet! I look the figure over, he seems to be in his late thirties...wearing a class ring, and black and red moon boots. Granted, I liked the boots, but still.....
So, we get seated and we notice that the tablecloth is made of paper.....Very clever when cleaning up from fish splatter. So, mom pulls out a pen, and we draw all over the table-paper. Play 'the-dot-game', and I drew a little demon guy, and then we wrote all over it.
Next, we took our garlic breath to the van, and chewed gum on our way to the mall, blaring Jason Mraz(he's good..Ya'll should look him up). So, we walk around the mall, and we seem some Unfortunate Outfits, as Mother likes to call them. You know what I'm talking about, even if you've never heard of them by name. The outfits that run small, but the larger of the population are convinced they fit in them, and still look good.....Well, we saw several of them, and eventually I said, "Mother, it's another U.O." She looks at me confused, and I say, "Unfortunate Outfit." She laughs hysterically as we make our way to the rest of the mall.
A phone rings, and mother and I hear a voice that sounds as if a little too much helium has been sucked. Granted, we are a nice people, us-the relatives of myself. But when we hear, or see something that can be made fun of, we don't hesitate. We're sarcastic, sardonic....And a bunch of others, but we heard this guy speak....And once we were out of earshot, I said in his voice, and conversation. "What's up?" And mother instantly snapped back, "my voice!"
And we laughed our way back home.
Ah, good times.
And now, I think I am going to go...I may post later tonight, I am not sure as of yet our plans for the day. They might just be interesting enough to relive while typing.

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